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Transitioning Your Dog to a Raw Diet

Transitioning Your Dog to a Raw Diet

Are you interested in switching your dog from a processed to a raw diet? You’ve come to the right place! At Raw K9 we are connoisseurs about all things related to raw feeding, including how to safely transition your dog to a raw diet. In this blog post, we explore the ins and outs of switching your dog to a species-appropriate diet, no matter what age or species they are. 

To discover the best raw meat meals and treats available anywhere, browse our nutritious and delicious raw dog food products today! Our bestselling complete beef meals, starter packs, and ultimate bundles can provide your canine companion with everything they need to get the fully-rounded raw diet that they deserve. For dogs with beef sensitives, we also offer mixes featuring alternative proteins, including duck, fish, lamb, quail, rabbit, and turkey. Our mixes are rich in the essential proteins that every dog needs to enjoy a long life of optimal health. Read on to learn how you can transition your dog to a raw diet, then check out everything that Raw K9 has to offer.

The Short Version

Are you low on time or simply looking for a Cliffnotes version of how to transition your dog to a raw diet? Here’s the 101:

  • For dogs UNDER  1 year old: It’s perfectly fine to transition your puppy cold turkey (no pun intended!), and the sooner the better! Our pasture-raised raw beef mixes contain the proper ratios of meat, organs, and bones that your fur baby needs to thrive.
  • For dogs OVER 1 year old: When transitioning adult dogs to a raw diet, it’s best to let your dog’s stool be the judge. If your adult dog’s stool looks firm, gradually increase the ratio of raw food to kibble day by day. Seven days should be plenty to get them on a completely raw meal plan. If the stool is on the looser side, you’ll want to slightly back down on the percentage of raw food until the stool is firm again. Your four-legged friend will be transitioned in no time!

  • The Long Version

    1. Research raw diets: When it comes to raw dog food diets, there are two primary models: The Prey Model and the BARF Diet. The main difference between these two models is that the Prey Model rests on the belief that dogs are ultimately carnivores, and require a diet of approximately 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, 5% liver, and 5% other secreting organs, particularly the spleen. The BARF Diet, on the other hand, purports that dogs are omnivores and need not only muscle meat, bones, and organs to thrive, but also vegetables, seeds or nuts, and fruit. Whichever diet you opt to go for is ultimately a personal decision and if you ask other raw feeding proponents which method they abide by you’re sure to get a variety of different answers! At Raw K9, we’re proud to offer products for the Prey and BARF models of raw feeding.
    1. Purchase raw food from a reputable supplier: Next, you will need to purchase the appropriate supplies for your doggy’s new diet, and there’s no better supplier than Raw K9! If you’re unsure where to start, check out our Raw K9 Transition Bundle, featuring three of our top-selling beef mixes for optimal variety and convenience. Our Transition Bundle features beef, duck, and turkey that were born, raised, and humanely harvested in the United States. This is a great option for dog owners looking to see which Raw K9 mixes their fur baby prefers. 
    1. Begin transitioning your dog: Most puppies and younger dogs can switch to raw food overnight! Here’s how much we recommend feeding your puppy:
    • 2-4 month old pups: 8-10% of their current weight divided over 3 meals daily
    • 4-6 month old pups: 6-8% of their current weight divided over 3 meals daily
    • 6-8 month old pups: 4-6% of their current weight divided over 3 meals daily
    • 8-12 month old pups: 3-4% of their current weight divided over 3 meals daily

    It is a good practice to keep puppies on the learner rather than the chubbier side, since carrying extra weight is not healthy for growing skeletons. Young dogs should be active and mobile, so make sure that your pup is keeping up with their exercise routine!

    Transitioning adult dogs to a raw diet will take a little more work, though it typically takes no longer than a week to get them fully transitioned. Ultimately, it depends on the dog. Some will need only a few days while others may take up to two weeks to make the full transition, depending on their age, weight, and activity level. 

    Start the process by providing one feeding of their regular diet to one feeding of their new raw food diet. Be sure to keep each feeding separate as these products should never be mixed! Over the course of a few days gradually decrease the amount of dry food until your pet’s diet consists of 100% raw food. If you notice loose stools early in the process, cut back on the amount of raw food being fed and increase it at a slower rate. Ultimately, your dog should have smaller, firmer, and drier stools, which is a direct result of better nutrient absorption and one of the reasons why people love raw feeding! Say goodbye to struggling to pick up loose, smelly stools for good!

    Transition Your Dog to a Raw Diet With Raw K9

    Looking to improve your dog’s digestion, skin, coat, dental hygiene, build, and behavior? There’s no better way than with a raw dog food diet with Raw K9! Get started by browsing our nutritious and delicious raw meat mixes and treats today.